Legal Notes and FAQ's
General terms and conditions and travel conditions
Original text in german (this is a Google Translation). The original text is the prevalent text in any case.
I. Conclusion of the travel contract1. With his registration, the customer offers radundfinca-mallorca the conclusion of a binding travel contract. The registration takes place online at or in writing on the form provided. A telephone, verbal or other written registration with us or one of our partner offices is also binding. The registration is made by the applicant also for all named participants. The applicant accepts the present travel conditions – also in the name and on behalf of the participants named.2. The contract is concluded upon acceptance by radundfinca.mallorca or its partner offices by sending the booking confirmation.
3. Subsidiary agreements and changes to the concluded travel contract require our written confirmation.
II. Payment
Bank transfer: A deposit of 20% per person is required upon receipt of the booking confirmation. The remaining travel price is due to us no later than 28 days before the start of the trip. Our account in Spain is available for the deposit. Please note that the full invoice amount must be credited to our account; any costs of payment transactions shall be borne by the traveler! The travel documents will usually be sent to you after receipt of the final payment, at the latest two weeks before the start of the trip.
IBAN: ES33 2100 4590 7102 0003 4077
III. Withdrawal by the customer/substitute participant/rebooking
1. Before the start of the journey, the customer can withdraw from the contract at any time. The customer is recommended to declare the cancellation in writing. In the event of cancellation or non-commencement of the trip without prior declaration of cancellation, we are entitled to charge the following cancellation fees:
Up to 30 days before departure: 10%
From the 29th to the 8th day before departure: 50% of the travel price
From 7th to 2nd Day before departure: 90% of the travel price
1 day before departure, day of arrival and no-show: 100% of the travel price
2. Each registered travel participant can be replaced by a third party if he informs us of this up to three days before the start of the journey. Radundfinca-mallorca can object to the participation of the third party for important reasons. The above cancellation conditions then apply. If a substitute takes the place of the registered participant, this does not affect the original contract. For rebooking expenses, we are entitled to charge the additional costs incurred.
3. Changes to the booking regarding the number or type of rooms, the hotel category and the type of board are generally possible up to 14 days before the start of the trip.
IV. Services
1. The description of services on the radundfinca-mallorca website that is current for the travel time is decisive for the scope of the contractual services, but not deviating declarations or commitments from mediating travel agencies, local or hotel brochures or other third parties.
The stage locations indicated are the main stage destinations. In individual cases, we must assume your consent to move to places in the immediate vicinity without any deductions.
2. The travel price is per person in a double room/junior suite. If available, a single room can be booked for a surcharge. 3. For families, we grant a discount of 20% on the package price for children up to the age of 12 if they stay in the room of two full-paying adults (with an extra bed).
V. Liability and Limitation of Liability
1. radundfinca-mallorca is liable within the framework of the duty of care of a prudent entrepreneur for the conscientious preparation of the trip, the careful selection and monitoring of the service providers as well as the correctness of the service descriptions valid for the travel time at the last time our website was changed.
2. Participation in the programs of radundfinca-mallorca is at your own risk. Minors may only take part in a trip when accompanied by a legal guardian.
3. Each travel participant is responsible for ensuring that his or her health is up to the requirements of the trip.
4. Compliance with road traffic regulations is also the responsibility of the traveler.
5. The conditions of carriage of the respective transport company apply to all transport (bus, ship, plane, etc.).
6. If a planned visit does not take place for a reason that we cannot influence (remodeling, renovation, etc.), we cannot be held responsible for this; but we will try to find a replacement.
7. If damage occurs which was caused solely by a service provider selected by us or which was caused by us neither intentionally nor through gross negligence, then our liability – regardless of which
Legal basis – limited to double the travel price.
8. If damage occurs due to the loss of or damage to your luggage, we are only liable if it was caused by us through gross negligence or willful intent and is reported to us immediately after it occurs; but even then up to a maximum of EUR 200 per person. The travel participant has to show us the existence of gross negligence or intent. We therefore recommend that you take out travel insurance to cover these risks. This limitation of liability also applies to third-party transport and third-party tours.
9. If a trip is canceled for reasons that we cannot influence (strike, natural disasters, etc.), or if the minimum number of participants (as stated in the offers) is not reached, we reserve the right to cancel the trip up to 21 days before the planned travel date at the latest. In this case you will be informed immediately and any amounts already paid to us will be refunded immediately. There are no further claims.
VI. warranty
1. Remedy
If the trip is not provided in accordance with the contract, the customer can request remedy. What is in accordance with the contract is determined on the one hand by the service description, but on the other hand also by the local customs of the destination country. Radundfinca-mallorca provides remedy in the form of equivalent or higher-quality replacement services. The customer can only refuse such a replacement service for an important, objectively recognizable reason.
Such remedy must be addressed to us directly or to the tour guide. However, the tour guide is not entitled to recognize claims.
2. Reduction of the travel price
For the duration of a non-contractual provision of the trip until remedy by radundfinca-mallorca, the customer can demand a corresponding reduction in the travel price after returning from the trip (reduction). The reduction does not occur if and to the extent that the traveler culpably fails to report the defect to the departments named in Section VI 1 in good time in order to enable them to remedy the situation.
3. Any claims must be made to us no later than one month after the contractually agreed end of the trip.
VII. Obligation to cooperate
1. If the traveler does not receive the travel documents in time, he must notify radundfinca-mallorca immediately.
2. The traveler is obliged to do everything that is reasonable for him in the event of any disruptions to the service in order to help remedy the disruption and to minimize or avoid any damage that may occur.
In particular, the customer is obligated to report his complaints immediately to the offices named in Section VI 1. They are commissioned to take remedial action if this is possible. If the customer culpably fails to report a defect, a claim for reduction does not arise.
VIII. Miscellaneous
1. The customer is responsible for compliance with all passport, visa, customs and health regulations.
2. We reserve the right to change prices and services within the framework of legal possibilities, as well as to correct errors and misprints.
3. The invalidity of individual provisions of the travel contract does not result in the invalidity of the entire contract.
IX. Jurisdiction/Applicable Law
1. The contractual relationship is subject to Spanish law.
2. The customer can only sue the company radundfinca-mallorca at their registered office.
3. The place of residence of the customer is decisive for complaints by the tour operator against the customer, unless it is a bilateral entrepreneurial transaction. In this case, the seat of the tour operator is decisive.
X. Organizer
All travel and accommodation reservations and the issuance of travel vouchers are made by radundfinca-mallorca. The customer money protection according to EU guidelines is carried out by the organizers of the respective programs.
Exclusion of liability for the content of the online offer
The author assumes no liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the author relating to material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are excluded in principle, unless the author can be proven to have acted with intent or gross negligence fault exists.
All offers are non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice or to temporarily or permanently discontinue publication.
data usage
The data may be used and passed on for private use. It is not permitted to use the data on
successfully operated websites or exchange platforms, nor to develop commercial products from them.
All information was collected with the utmost care. The information is provided without guarantee and does not claim to be complete. You are responsible for using the data. No liability is assumed for damage of any kind resulting from accidents or other difficulties, since the responsibility for route selection, orientation in the terrain, assessment of personal performance and experience in dealing with alpine dangers when undertaking tours in the terrain lies with everyone. When using the data, I acknowledge that the use of private roads, in particular forest roads and agricultural goods roads, may be subject to legal restrictions.
References and links
In the case of direct or indirect references to external websites (“links”) that are outside the author’s area of responsibility, liability would only come into effect if the author was aware of the content and it was technically possible and reasonable for him to do so to prevent the use of illegal content.
The author therefore expressly declares that the corresponding linked pages were free of illegal content at the time the link was created. The author has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design and content of the linked/connected pages. He therefore hereby expressly distances himself from all content on all linked / connected pages that were changed after the link was created. This statement applies to all links and references set within our own website as well as to third-party entries in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists set up by the author. The provider of the page to which reference is made is solely liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damage resulting from the use or non-use of such information, not the person who merely refers to the respective publication via links.
Copyright and Trademark Law
The author endeavors to observe the copyrights of the graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts used in all publications, to use graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts he has created himself or to use license-free graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts.
All brands and trademarks mentioned within the website and possibly protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the property rights of the respective registered owner. The conclusion that trademarks are not protected by the rights of third parties should not be drawn solely on the basis of the mere mention!
The copyright for published objects created by the author himself remains solely with the author of the pages. Reproduction or use of such graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express consent of the author.
Legal validity of this disclaimer
This disclaimer of liability is to be regarded as part of the website from which reference was made to this page. If parts or individual formulations of this text do not, no longer or not completely correspond to the applicable legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their content and validity.
Errors and typos reserved.
Updated 09/14/2014